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Refersion Merchants Can Now Use Viglink’s Optimize

Last Modified: January 31, 2023


Here at Refersion, we’re constantly impressed with our partners who always seem to add more value to their services. We have been working with VigLink since early this year, and we’ve seen first-hand the amazing innovations they’ve made to increase access to content publishers for our merchants.

Now VigLink has something new: Optimize. And if you already are in the VigLink network, you’ll want to sign up for this right away.

What is it?

To understand what VigLink Optimize does, you first need to understand VigLink’s core service. You can read all about it in our previous article linked above, but in essence, VigLink provides an easy way for you, the merchant, to automatically and intelligently connect with over 2 million content publishers to get your products or services linked across the internet.

Before Optimize, these links were static. Meaning, once a mention of a product was linked to a merchant, it was always linked to that merchant. But now with Optimize, these links can be rerouted to different publishers in a dynamic way.

Here’s an example.

Say a publisher in the VigLink network wrote a great blog post reviewing lipstick:


Initially, the link to this particular lipstick was to Amazon. But with Optimize, merchants can bid for this link and reroute it to their own store. The content doesn’t change, but when a reader clicks, the merchant who won the big will now get the traffic instead of Amazon.

How do you win a “bid”?

The bid is based off the calculated EPC (earnings per click) that the merchant offers (which should be familiar to those already using VigLink). This means that it’s a win-win situation: the publisher earns more for each click their blog post drives, and you the merchant gain higher visibility by being the destination for that click.

Optimize is intelligent.

Only links that VigLink’s system detects to be easily rerouted will be up for auction via Optimize. For example, consider a post like this:

…and right now, for Christmas, Amazon is running an amazing deal on this particular lipstick for just $15!

VigLink’s system will detect any anchored text around a link and take them into consideration. Since this specifically mentions Amazon, this particular link would never be rerouted by Optimize.

Does it work?

According to VigLink, they have already rerouted 150,000 clicks that might have gone to a competitor, in just one month! Currently, nearly 90,000 content publishers have opted in to their Optimize feature, and growing daily. It’s a great way to drive sales away from your niche competition on identical products.

Ok! How can I join?

Refersion customers who already use VigLink can email Vanessa (Merchant Success Manager) at [email protected] to get started.

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Written by

Ruthie Carey
Ruthie Carey