It’s one of those “secret/hidden” menu items at Starbucks that only the coolest hipsters will know to ask for. A lot of places have these types of items. (Next time you hit up a McDonald’s, ask for the Ice Cream Sandwich. It’s… pretty amazing.)
Well we here at Refersion also have a bunch of items on our secret menu, and we’re about to let you in on a few of them! Here are 4 Refersion secrets that can help you supercharge your affiliate marketing program.
1. Attribution Ranking (to Prevent Duplicate Conversions)
In some cases, merchants who use Refersion may support multiple ways of attributing a conversion to an affiliate. For example, a customer might have clicked through a specific rep’s affiliate link, but also used a separate coupon code from a different rep. It’s uncommon, but it can happen, and can be a pain for the merchant to see duplicate conversions in the system.
That’s where Attribution Ranking comes in. Once it’s turned on, the system will recognize conversions with the same ID number and deny one of them, according to whichever attribution you’d want to “rank” as the most important one. In the system, it will look like this:

In this case, there were two instances of #1013 and one was automatically denied. This feature can help manage and tidy up your conversion attributions in real time, giving you one less thing to worry about.
2. Auto-Email Trigger
In some instances, it can make sense to attribute every sale from a customer to the affiliate rep that first converted that person. In other words, if your rep Bob brought in Steve as a customer, every purchase that Steve ever makes for years to come can be attributed to back to Bob, if you so desire.
If this model appeals to you, Refersion’s Auto-Email Trigger feature will “lock” a customer’s email to that rep so that every sale from here on out will be attributed back to that rep, even if no link or coupon code is used.

So if you decide that your affiliate partners are generating lifetime business opportunities and you want to reward them for every subsequent sale their customers make, this feature can be enabled to make this process much easier.
3. Hidden Registration Pages
By default, your affiliate registration forms/page is a public URL. After all, most companies are always looking for reps and it’s a good way to passively invite them in (here are a bunch of other ways too!). But if your business would rather be more selective in who can apply to become an affiliate, then this option is right up your ally.
Enabling this feature will make your registration page private and give the merchant manual control of who can be entered into the Refersion system as a potential or actual affiliate.
There’s also a “middle ground” option if going completely incognito is too much: this feature can be tweaked so that the page is still public, but hidden from search engine bots and spiders. Meaning, while people who come to your site will still be able to click to the registration page without issue, that page won’t be picked up by Google. It’s a great option if you don’t want to advertise your affiliate program to the entire internet.
4. Custom Thank You Page Redirect
After someone registers to become a rep, they are by default ported over to the typical Thank You page. But here’s our secret: you’re not limited to that! In fact, you can redirect these potential reps anywhere you wish.

Why would you want to do this? Well if these potential affiliate are raising their hand to be a part of your sales force, then you know that they must be fairly engaged with your brand. This is the perfect opportunity to send them to products that they might be interested in purchasing, your blog to learn more about the company and brand, or even a special Thank You page just for these potential reps with a discount code to use just for signing up to be an affiliate (as seen in the GIF above).
Redirecting to a custom page can be an effective way to boost sales or at least further the conversation with these potentials. You have a captive audience, and this is another way that Refersion can help you funnel them to the right web pages to increase stickiness and brand recognition.
Interested in taking advantage of these delicious hidden Refersion menu items? Contact your rep today and get started!