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Happy Pride from your affiliates at Refersion!

Last Modified: January 31, 2023

happy pride

We use the term “affiliate” a lot when it comes to business, but when it really comes down to it, affiliates are all about relationships to people. This June when America celebrates Pride for the LGBTQ community, this sentiment of affiliation takes on a deeper, more poignant meaning than just marketing.

There’s the affiliation to being the person that each individual has been bestowed, which is the heart of Pride. Then there’s the affiliation that their friends and colleagues can choose to support them in their journey. And in the larger picture, there’s the affiliation to political and ethical sides during a contentious time in American history.

We at Refersion know where our affiliations are, as we strive to hire and maintain a diverse staff, as well as a diverse list of clients and partners.

There are facts that should sway any company in this direction. The LGBTQ market represents $5 trillion in spending power globally. LGBTQ businesses alone contribute over $1.7 trillion to the US economy. If your business isn’t working with, or towards, this demographic… well, that’s your loss.

But even sound business decisions aside, it’s about equality and equal opportunity. It’s about what’s right. And this Pride month, as our home town (New York City) celebrates World Pride, we simply want to say that we are affiliates of this community in every way.

Happy Pride 2019!

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Ruthie Carey
Ruthie Carey