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5 Ways Your Affiliate Network Should Address COVID-19

Last Modified: March 2, 2023


As a company and business, it’s fruitful to look ahead and plan for the coming year. Whether it’s developing goals to be reached or scheduling affiliate marketing expectations, it’s helpful to look to the future for day-to-day guidance. However, life does not usually go to plan.

The outbreak of Coronavirus/COVID-19, and its exponential spread across the United States, has proven this to be true. Reality has suddenly changed, and it’s requiring all of us — businesses, governments, and citizens — to make seemingly split-second decisions to mitigate issues and adapt to the scenario. Any company with an affiliate marketing program is likely scratching their heads at this time, wondering, “Is now the time to continue marketing to people? How do I adapt my program?”

It is possible at this time, but it requires insight and a humanistic approach. A global crisis is not the time to market your company aggressively — it will be taken as insensitive, out-of-touch, and ignorant — all rightly so. To address COVID-19, your affiliate marketing program will have to undergo some changes, from tone to action.

1. Immediately refocus your communication.

First things first, your affiliate marketing strategy should change the type of content you produce for your affiliates and for your website. Your products and services should not be the center of attention at this time; rather, you should be providing all included parties with credible and verified information that will help to keep them safe. Whether it’s navigating people to the CDC website or informing them about the benefits of social distancing and self-quarantining, you can use your platform to improve public health awareness.

By engaging in spreading information about the COVID-19 topic, you can help dispel myths while keeping people safe and healthy, all while working to flatten the curve.

2. Craft authentic and empathetic content.

With this informative side in mind, now comes the time for your company to start creating content that can still provide audiences with an understanding of the benefits of your products and services. But how does that come across? Do you want to let people know you’re here to support them like a caring friend? Or will you act as their personal trainer, helping them pick themselves up off the couch to continue meeting their goals even while self-isolating?

Whatever it is, you need to craft content around a brand voice that is consistent, empathetic, and authentic. People don’t want to be sold an item at this time — for many people, the sight of the financial future doesn’t make such a purchase enticing. Instead, you should be providing them moral support, showing them how your product or service is going to enrich their quality of life at this time. You’re here to help.

3. Help your affiliates.

Your affiliates matter in this time, more than ever, and you need to let them know that. They’re the key force keeping your affiliate network afloat, so it’s right for you to let them know you care.

With many folks down on their luck at this time, it might be in your best interest to financially and emotionally support them:

  • Provide a bonus to trusted affiliates to show how much you’ve appreciated their past and current help.
  • Offer office hours where they can speak to you about how to best approach talking to their audiences at this time, helping them to remain on-tone while making helpful statements.

4. Make the most of your affiliates and tech platforms.

The best thing you have at your advantage right now is your affiliate network. It’s likely that all of your affiliates are digital-only folks who access their audiences through social media platforms and elsewhere. Use this to your advantage (in a non-sleazy way). People are at home, either working or passing time on their smartphones and computers. Reach out to them to let them know that you’re here to help them in this time, to act as a guiding, supportive hand that wants to improve their quality of life while in quarantine.

5. Support your own business and other businesses at this time.

Think inward and outward at this time. Invest in your business to make improvements you’ve been waiting for, investing in your affiliates and improving the effectiveness of your affiliate program.

Furthermore, support other businesses with similar moral codes. Consider collaborating or trading services through something like a B2B relationship. Whatever it is, support those within your circle.

Be Part of the Solution

We’re living in strange times, but you can work to improve the quality of life for many people. Face life head-on and help others to do the same. It might not solve what we’re all dealing with, but it will help to bring some support to people who need it most.

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Written by

Ruthie Carey
Ruthie Carey